Why Nostr?What is Njump?
JohnBNevin / John B Nevin
2023-10-10 16:00:24

JohnBNevin on Nostr: Time + Perspective Over time, the tools that increase our ability to easily and ...

Time + Perspective

Over time, the tools that increase our ability to easily and accurately filter information will improve, we'll soon forget what it was like to wade through duplicates and irrelevance. Meanwhile, our perspective toward information and our place in it will change. Micropayment sidegigs for sorting information, summarizing it, rearranging it, will be less about crafting crafty language and more about relevance and logic chains. Meanwhile, such modest revenue streams will be among many that the individual modern 'journalist' is able to secure, in addition to primary - and with a sound money system, it becomes a retirement plan rather than a way to make rent.

I think the more data points we have on any given subject, the better. Noise or not.

I do agree that we’ll likely see trusted sources we subscribe to much in the same way we already do with substack. Independent journalists who take the time to build credibility and trust will be rewarded. You don’t need to be a news mill to do well in that economic model. I guess you could say we are already on that path.

It’s likely that as the writer grows in audience, he or she will establish their own media company - growing the types of resources available to them without sacrificing quality and not having to rush.

Bitcoin does seem to align with that model. It just means total irrelevance of any other types of news (at least from a trust perspective).

Maybe in the end it all come down to personal education and understanding of the various ways news is broken. People will just need to be ok with less dopamine generating garbage.
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