Why Nostr?What is Njump?
negrunch /
2023-04-04 18:59:51

negrunch on Nostr: Hey good designer, we are working on a web client for #[0] and guess what? we suck at ...

Hey good designer, we are working on a web client for npub1m0str0n64lfulw5j6arrak75uvajj60kr024f5m6c4hsxtsnx4dqpd9ape (npub1m0s…9ape) and guess what? we suck at doing things beauty and need help.

If you want to contribute to this open source project please let us know 😃

For the new guys, Mostro is an p2p open platform on top of #Nostr which uses lightning network to exchange value.

If you wanna know more about it https://mostro.network
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