Why Nostr?What is Njump?
sovereignbull / Sovereign Bull
2024-04-19 10:19:52
in reply to nevent1q…rwg7

sovereignbull on Nostr: Well, that’s only helping to make my point. Quick aside, the way I interpret your ...

Well, that’s only helping to make my point. Quick aside, the way I interpret your second statement suggests you think I might start harassing you if don’t include a disclaimer. We are having a discussion, it is clear you are being respectful. Please, do not be afraid to speak your mind.

There was a bot that responded to some of my posts here with AI prompts, but I could see and block it.

This is far worse. If there is a bot following everyone around on Nostr and keeping record what what you say in order to make lists for recommendations to new users on effectively who to avoid AND people don’t know about, that’s more than just a bit creepy. It’s like automated stalking.

If a person was doing this, say following all the women on Nostr, then making lists and “tools” (LOL!) to recommend people don’t follow any women and block them by default because they cause unnecessary drama and post nudes all day and new users would have a better experience if they blocked everyone on that list (as in, they made up a bunch of defamatory nonsense), women would rightfully be pissed off ONCE they found out about it. But what if that went on for months and none of them were aware?

Supporting these sorts of, what I consider lazy and intrusive attempts to police platforms, will come back to bite people without them realising it, when someone starts doing this in the way I just described above, or worse.

If someone is harassing anyone, I don’t understand what the problem with muting them is. I also see a lot of passive aggressive type of behaviour on here. Don’t be afraid to come out and say what you feel (I’m not talking about you, Michele, but anyone who may read this). Disagreement isn’t harassment. A free exchange of ideas is bound to “offend” someone.

I have only encountered a couple of people on here that would be considered harassment who I have muted, we all know that one loser and he doesn’t discriminate with who he insults. Any time I have seen people ask for examples after someone make some claims, they don’t respond, as if asking for examples is somehow a challenge or inflammatory.
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