Why Nostr?What is Njump?
TheSpiritualMachine / The ₿²
2024-04-29 19:03:14

TheSpiritualMachine on Nostr: Come and take it I guess might makes right we don’t get to opt out of the physical ...

Come and take it I guess might makes right we don’t get to opt out of the physical realm at will guess I better get back to push ups 💪🏻
Have the Counterfeit Class not recognized the inevitable consequences of their despotic actions, which only lead to societal turmoil and ruin?

Is their existing power not substantial enough? What further acquisitions are they chasing, despite the ample wealth and influence they already hold? (An insatiable hunger that can't possibly be satisfied with more control).

Haven't we endured this destructive pattern far too many times already?

#Bitcoin ₿reaks this cycle of madness.

#bitcoinfixesthis note1qgg…2p24
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