Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mikedilger /
2024-05-13 01:35:21
in reply to nevent1q…0grc

mikedilger on Nostr: Russia gives plenty of consistent and sensible reasons justifying their invasion of ...

Russia gives plenty of consistent and sensible reasons justifying their invasion of Ukraine. NATO also gives plenty of consistent and sensible reasons justifying Russia's invasion of Ukraine. But the two stories couldn't be more different.

I am NOT saying GrapheneOS is tricking people and that these reasons aren't correct.
I AM saying that we cannot know that they are correct.
I AM saying that the existence of reasons does nothing to allay the concern, precisely because "reasons" are the easiest thing to create post-facto and therefore should have almost zero weight in your evaluation of trust.

And yet among nostr half-wits (sorry, as I get frustrated my language gets more harsh) "reasons" convince them all so easily. If I were a CIA operative I could topple you guys in my sleep!

I even gave as an example how my reason for not signing the Apple release of Gossip could not be trusted:
Here is an example I think everybody will understand.

When I release gossip, I build packages. The one built for MacOS is not digitally signed. But I gave a "reason". The reason is that Apple wants me to sign a contract to become an Apple developer and I didn't like the contract, so I didn't sign it, so I can't get Apple to mark the software as safe.

Now I know that reason is correct. But none of you do. You can't know for sure. You must postulate the case where Mike Dilger is actually malicious and he made that reason up, and his real goal is to sneak nasty code onto your Apple computer to steal your bitcoin or something. And he knows if he signed up with Apple that Apple might find his deceptive code and blow his cover. So he lies and says the "reason" is because he didn't like their contract.

That is a TOTALLY plausable worldview from any of you. From where I sit I know it is wrong. But I also know there is no way I could prove that to you. The best I can do is say: Don't use pre-compiled packages, even from me. Compile it from source.

How can I make my point more clear? I am tired.
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