Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Sababa / Samm
2024-01-21 15:54:03

Sababa on Nostr: Hello world - I got a new phone and after a year of being on Nostr, with no private ...

Hello world - I got a new phone and after a year of being on Nostr, with no private key( my bad) and phone not recognize, I am starting a new account. I’m the old person who is learning how to do all this as I go and I got a long way to go. I even wrote a behind the scenes raw book of my last two years. I took my journals and made them into a book. I wrote about being scammed, my fairy godmother, speaking at a conference and so much more. I also am that old lady who bought 3 whole bitcoin in 2016 and sold them cos I listened to main stream media back then, yeah, what a fool, I know, but live and learn? That’s what I’m doing, experiential learning and encouraging other older people to get onboard. Thanks for reading
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