✅ I've added more insulation around water pipes in the basement to prevent freezing and breaking.
✅ I've got all the Christmas decorations down and out of the upcoming weather.
✅ I've found the ice melt and pulled out the snow shovels. Went out and bought some extra ice melt.
✅ I've ensured each vehicle has an ice scraper and brush. Each vehicle has a jump start battery pack.
✅ I've picked up a 15pk of Blue Moon and 4pk of City Wide Pale Ale from 4Hands Brewery. Also, verified I have plenty of coffee in the pantry.
I think I'm prepared for the snow and ice that's coming.
Good luck everyone. If I lose power for a long period of time, this server will go down until power is restored.
#MidwestUSA #Snow #WX #Weather #Snowmageddon #Snowpocalypse #beer