My weekend was slightly diff - the people in my country were able to overthrow a draconian internet suppression law within 2 days by voicing it out on twitter. Want people to leave twitter ? don’t badger people out of it - build something that is of value for the people to attract them.
Nostr had the opportunity to test out public town square last week but instead of using that precious chance to improve nostr (bridging like-mindedness, privacy etc), I only kept hearing complaints abt other platforms, justifications for shortcomings and even pissing on users for sharing their thoughts.
You can fund people, but you can't buy mindset - that has to be developed from within. People don’t have obligations to be here - some of us have to figure out money to survive this week, next week while keeping oppressive gov’ts in check, and build at the same time.
If you want people here, don’t expect them to owe you gratitude, don’t expect them to stop their means of preventing oppressiveness now just because you hope to build something in the future that you may or may not be committed to all the way. If you want to genuinely help people, get to know who you are building for and what they need - instead of stroking some self-saviour-like ego.
You did not need to succumb to twitter quitting pressure, but it's good that it gave you an opportunity to figure out what you want.
Also if you can’t stop yourself from opening twitter for the weekend and it had to be so dramatic that you had to deactivate your account, you are quite addicted lol! But you can use it as an opportunity to practice self-restraint. At the end of the day, what matters is how you make the most out of any situation.