Tuesday assorted links:
Using a CSS cursor to show the external link’s favicon – Terence Eden’s Blog
🔗 https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/10/using-a-css-cursor-to-show-the-external-links-favicon/
Learn to Read Russian in 15 Minutes
🔗 https://www.ryanestrada.com/russian/index.html
HTML Form Validation is heavily underused
HTML Forms have powerful validation mechanisms, but they are heavily underused. In fact, not many people even know much about them. Is this because of some flaw in their design? Let’s explore.
🔗 https://expressionstatement.com/html-form-validation-is-heavily-underused
A \wikipedia\ client for nostr.
🔗 https://github.com/fiatjaf/wikistr