Last Notes
Pretend the nsec got compromised and start over.
It went completely off my radar. Deleted my FB and IG account in 2017, never used WhatsApp. I see IG and WA being used all around me, but haven't even heard someone mentioning Facebook for a very long time ...
Profitec Go. Mega Teil, bin voll zufrieden.
Can relate and recommend. Way to go!
Without government, who would build the dams?
CCC was a shitshow even before they boarded the woke train. The days of that org being driven by cypherpunk visions and ideals are long gone.
Going out and wearing this. Tonight is made for $100k.
GM #coffeechain ☕
tbf jeder Tag ist Validierungstag ;)
Danke für das nette Feedback!
Schonungsloser Realtalk. LFG.
Da wäre ich auf das Feedback gespannt 😁
It is 👍
@nprofile…ckyu is there an API for general pool data and personal stats? If not, do you plan to offer that? Use case would be aggregating data and showing it on a dashboard alongside other bitcoin metrics.
GM! ☕
GM. I hope you are doing fine with your personal Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. 🙌
Without government, who would build the dams?
Thanks for providing this context. Others have pointed out as well, that the Mempool goggles feature must be missing CJs.
GM. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Their goggles feature. As @nprofile…zaha pointed out, it might be missing some though.
Despite the low fee environment the @nprofile…wnpf heuristics reveal almost no coinjoin activity recently. Every now and then there seem to be @nprofile…8f83 rounds, JoinMarket usage seems rather low currently.
Take care of your financial privacy, use collaborative transactions for consolidation and LN channel openings while it's cheap.
Awesome. Can confirm that mine for the Pi Zero matches too:
bcb901e27d309d85f086dc80b49b153d6b1caab2247eba2811731384d58f2f3e /opt/../images/seedsigner_os.0.8.5.pi0.img
Was war der Anlass dazu? 😂
Me too – and I don't remember numbers easily, but this one seems like etched into my brain. 😂
I can hear this image. Uh-oh.
What's the state of BOLT12 in LND? Haven't followed it lately, is it a priority by now?
Turns out I was using an outdated version (1.0.0) of Haven, where it didn't work. Now that I've upgraded to Haven v1.0.4 everything is fine. Thanks and sorry for the confusion.
Recently published a recipe here. There's lots of stuff on YouTube to get started with the basics. Go for it, it's fun and tasty once you have some experience.
If there's a way to warm up to it theoretically, for me it certainly was listening to Alan Watts.
GM. Erhöre den Ruf und handle!
Yes, a good starting point is getting people to try it for a few weeks and as you said "replace and repeat". Surprising results will create momentum.
Full ACK. Once grokked, it makes total sense. And why should it even be different: It's one's conciousness that perceives and shapes the world.
Yet, it is very difficult to communicate this and convince others of this view, simply because it seems too easy to be true.
Home away from home.
I checked using URL, requesting the file directly from the blossom server and there's no Content-Type — though that header is present.
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET PUT DELETE
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Type:
< Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 15:35:43 GMT
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Thanks, I'll try to fix it 🙏
@npub1gcx…nj5z @npub1utx…50e8 I've seen this before, videos served via my Haven blossom relay don't get show correctly in Amethyst. Anything I'm missing in terms of blossom config or known problems? See the initial note for an example.
Sagen wie's ist: Das Angebot, was seitens der Politik an den Bürger/Souverän gemacht wird, ist unter dessen Würde. Sich alleine anzusehen, mit welchen Inhalten und auf welcher Flughöhe die Debatten stattfinden, empfinde ich längst als intellektuelle Beleidigung. Wer, der sich selbst ernst nimmt, soll diesen Zirkus bitte ernstnehmen? In solch einem entrückten und degenerierten Stadium, wird es fast schon zur Pflicht, sich all dem noch viel grundsätzlicher zu verweigern und klar zu bekennen "Ich mache da nicht mit!"
Das klingt nach Tazionalsozialismus.
Passend zum von Ulrike Hermann grforderten Modell der britischen Kriegswirtschaft. So gewollt progressiv, dass es schon wieder komplett rückständig wird.
Die können froh sein, wenn die Koalition überhaupt ein Jahr hält 😎
"Only the @nprofile…dsdf can save Germany!"
Schönes Wochenende!
Die Serie ist klar in den Aussagen, aber imho auch gutes Einsteigermaterial. Gefällt mir bisher auch gut 🤙
Dry and try. Hope it survived this tragic washing accident. 🤞
At this point, everyone with enough self-respect should be able to see that it's all bullshit. Those who don't will find out.
How heavy is that rock?
It weighs nothing if you don't pick it up.