Why Nostr? What is Njump?
Kind 30818
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2024-06-29 17:57:47
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{ "id": "a71bc8f28b316ea2a6f789a8e29697dd56af6366ce0220e76d9e3cae1b71a34b", "pubkey": "c230edd34ca5c8318bf4592ac056cde37519d395c0904c37ea1c650b8ad4a712", "created_at": 1719676667, "kind": 30818, "tags": [ [ "d", "amethyst-faq" ], [ "client", "wikifreedia", "31990:fa984bd7dbb282f07e16e7ae87b26a2a7b9b90b7246a44771f0cf5ae58018f52:1716498133442" ], [ "t", "asknostr" ], [ "title", "amethyst-faq" ], [ "c", "Nostr" ], [ "published_at", "1719676667" ], [ "t", "amethyst" ] ], "content": "## Amethyst FAQ\n\n**Q: How do I set up my relays?**\n\nA: You will need to do a little bit of research for the best experience. No need to feel intimidated. This is a great introduction to how \u0026 why nostr works as it does. Amethyst will prompt you to add a relay in places that require a special relay type, such as an inbox relay for receiving direct messages. The default relay settings will work well enough for you to explore the app. Once you’re ready to expand your experience, here’s a breakdown to help you through the process:\n\n- Public home relays are where notes you publish will be stored. These can be personal, paid, or public. Check relay lists on profiles and use a [relay explorer](https://nostrrr.com/) to learn more about them.\n\n\n- Public inbox relays will transmit replies, likes, zaps, etc to you. It is a good idea to set these as public relays and check relay policies to make sure they accept the event types you may expect from your friends or audience. [Nostr.watch](https://nostr.watch/relays/find) offers a fairly comprehensive overview of relays’ uptime, event support, and geographical location. Clicking on any relay icon within Amethyst will also provide you with available information.\n\n\n- DM inbox relays ensure that your dms are sent to you and that only you have access to them. These can be paid, free, or personal but make sure any relay service you put here offers proper dm support. Check with [relay.tools](https://relay.tools/) or [inbox.nostr.wine](https://inbox.nostr.wine) for dm relay options.\n\n\n- Private relays store your private events, such as drafts. You can use a your own or a private relay service. Citrine, a native android relay, works for this purpose as well. Find it on [zap.store]( https://zap.store/download/)\n\n\n- Local relays are on device relays, such as Citrine. Much development is still happening in this field. Try it out to help developers make improvements. *See above for more information\n\n\n- General relays will deliver notes to your feeds. Use relays your friends use here, or try out some specialized relays like hotrightnow.nostr1.com for popular notes or welcome.nostr.wine which catches the first notes from new users. You can use popular public relays here but you may experience more spam and undesired content in your global feed.\n\n\n\n**Q: What is broadcasting?**\n\nA: Broadcasting will send a note to any relays that are willing to accept it. This helps ensure that content is broadly distributed. It is not necessary to do, but if you are concerned that a relay operator may remove or be asked to remove certain content, this option helps ensure that a copy may still exist somewhere. The option is available on the 3 dot menu of any note.\n*Relay operators will not host illegal content\n\n\n**Q: How do I set up my wallet for zaps?**\n\nA: The answer will vary too much to fully address here, due to app availability, regional regulations, and personal preferences. Don’t be shy to ask for help. Nostr is full of bitcoin/nostr enthusiasts who are almost always willing to help. Try an #asknostr question. Once you’ve figured out your own best practices, add your lightning address to your profile to receive zaps.\n\n\n**Q: How do I program zaps to send?**\n\nA: Long-press the lightning bolt on any note to bring up the zap settings/NWC. Here, follow the steps to connect to your wallet and to program your preferred zap amounts. You will need a nostr wallet connect service for the smoothest experience. Zapping will work without NWC but every zap will take you to your wallet for authorization of transactions. Check [getalby.com](https://getalby.com/) for NWC availability or ask a friend for an invite code. Remember to tap 'save' after setup or any changes.\n\n\n**Q: How do I send private or anonymous zaps?**\n\nA: Double-tap the lightning bolt on any note. It will bring up a card to change privacy settings, add a message, and a one-time zap amount. Note: Private zaps can include a private message. Messages attached to anonymous zaps will be anonymous but public. \n\n\n**Q: How do I program reactions?**\n\nA: Tap the heart on any note to bring up the emoji picker. Here you can tap the smiley+ icon to add or remove reactions. You can also long-press the heart for the same option. Be sure to tap 'save' after any changes.\n\n\n**Q: How does the security filter work?**\n\nA: You can enable/disable the security filter to limit spam and nsfw content exposure. Other users must attach a warning to their nsfw notes for this to work. Enabling the filter will cover notes that have been reported as inappropriate or spam by people you follow. You can uncover these at anytime. To change filter settings, visit settings under your main menu and tap security filters. You can also control these settings in the 3 dot menu on any note.\n\n\n**Q: Why does my app keep crashing?**\n\nA: Amethyst may crash due to bugs, as it is still in development. You can report issues to Amethyst project repositories on [github]( https://github.com/vitorpamplona/amethyst) or [gitworkshop](https://gitworkshop.dev/repo/amethyst) . Follow the instructions there to submit. Crashing may also be due to the need to clear your local cache. This can be done under app info in your phone settings.\n\n\n**Q: Why is my feed empty?**\n\nA: If you are new to nostr, this is likely because you are not yet following anyone. Tap the feed menu at the top, center of your display and choose GLOBAL for a fast way to start discovering users and notes. You may also be experiencing connection issues. Try a different internet connection before reporting this problem.\n\n\n**Q: What are the buttons across the bottom?**\n\nA: These are the many ways to discover users, notes, and what the nostr protocol has to offer. You have access to messages, chats, vertical media, a marketplace, live streams, community conversation, and more. You can experience feeds generated by DVMs (ai powered digital vending machines) that allow you to discover new, trending, and topic based notes. You will also find your notifications tab located on right.\n\n\n**Q: How do I delete a note?**\n\nA: The 3 dot menu on any of your notes contains a 'request deletion' option. *Notes may be distributed through many relays, which may or may not honor deletion requests. Check relay policies for more information\n\n**Q: How can I donate to Amethyst development?**\n\nA: At the bottom of your main menu, click on the app version number. This will bring you to the latest version’s release notes where you can zap the developers. Amethyst is a free, open-source project funded by your donations. \n\n\nTo learn more about using the nostr visit [nostr.how](https://nostr.how/en/what-is-nostr) .\n\nQuestions were gathered through crowd-sourcing and observation. If you have found this FAQ helpful, please bookmark and share as needed. If you would like to update, add, or make changes, please do.\n\n#amethyst\n", "sig": "0ba0b63183634d87a058d0a52114c2f33b3d42de312d641de748652ad39a0a84acbdfd2447ef024fb5ba54223c26f0c953b25cd5564ef879bd6bc6f36cb5c038" }