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2024-06-29 13:40:44

Undisclosed Contracts; Understand its Price

Understand the power of your signature on corporate documents.

Do you ever feel like you put your signature on everything when it comes to legal documents? A cellphone? Loan(s)? Voting booth? Electricity & Water? Driver’s License? Hunting Permit? It seems like anything you want or need. You have to sign a contract. What if I told you that there’s always a catch?

👉Definition of Reverse Trust Scam: It is a type of fraud that targets unknowingly individuals, often using a combination of deception, manipulation, and false promises to convince them (gains your trust) to part with their hard-earned money, privacy, rights, savings, and even property etc. (This could easily get extended with relationships, too)

✨SideNote: There are a lot of very good scammers out there, and many are very creative and use modern day technology just like you. Some may even pose as FBI or the IRS!

For the purpose of this article, let’s go with something a bit harmless. The new Tesla CyberTruck.

Example: The Tesla CyberTruck has various benefits such as Instant Torque, tech, sustainability, bulletproof, fireproof, customization and off-road etc.

You’re probably thinking, “YES! SIGN ME UP.” You might even be very grateful after you’ve signed the contract.

Any type of corporate sale, deal, contract, the solicitor does not have to disclose everything in the contract. They only explain what you get, and not what you forfeit, or has terms & conditions.

This is where the scam part comes in.

First, Let’s define what scam1 actually means.

This story was published after a man purchased a CyberTruck, “A Man Says Tesla Won’t Let Him Sell His Cybertruck—Even Though It’s Too Big for His Parking Spot.”

“That agreement includes a provision that states that if a Cybertruck owner sells the EV during the first year, they can be fined $50,000 or the value of the vehicle, whichever is greater, and be banned from buying future Teslas.”

In this case, whether he paid for it fully or partially(via bank loan), he “*owns*” the Truck. Or does he not? So what happened here? He waived away his right to sell it for at least a year or face heavy penalties. But the salesman did not disclose that information! What would you call this? To me –this would be fraud. Thanks to the internet, this information has come into light. You might be thinking “fraud,” might be a bit harsh. Allow me to explain.

What the salesman did was not tell you the information purposefully in order to sale the vehicle(they get paid by commissions). He also has used the power of the law, against you to “protect” himself using your “signature.” Essentially, the salesman became the beneficiary, and the man is the glorified holder of the “title” of the vehicle, redeemable after a year.

Think like an owner here for a moment: ✨If I bought a CD with music and resold it later to a friend-he or she have full rights. If I gave a PlayStation game to a friend, they can play to their hearts content. This also applies with books, bikes, microwaves, and so forth. You probably don’t even pay taxes to these items.

📚🧾🎼The Author of a book holds the trust(copyright), so I cannot copy its content without their permission. Plain and simple. This makes me the beneficiary of that book because I benefitted from reading the book. The music CD and game is copyrighted, but I can still sell it or give it away. 🌠Note: I never signed anything for these items, all I did was pay the clerk for ownership.

The use of digital products such as ebooks, mp3s, and even your data has forced the consumer to agree to platforms ever-changing “TOS” and are no longer the owner but rather the digital item(s) are held in custodial care. Doesn’t this feel like the reverse version of ownership? If you buy ebooks on Amazon, you cannot share the files nor can you sell it. 🍎Apple pulls a similar move with the music and app industry. The next runner-up is your data on 🐦Twitter, Meta, and Google. What about your 👛Bitcoin held on exchanges? They could(FAANG) at will, terminate your account if they desire to do so. Seems like no one benefits, except the corporations because you’ve digitally “agreed” and thus waived your rights which aren’t disclosed. Therefore, you don’t own anything. You’re just the glorified “user” of those digital items.

🌟Moments like these make me grateful for Nostr protocol and Bitcoin.

So think of all the documents you’ve ever signed. What did you give up when you signed a contract? Did it benefit you? What was not disclosed? Often times, things that you sign are written in another language known as legalese. For example, have you ever been on the phone and were asked, “Is this a person?“🤔What kind of question is that? Start applying this idea to vaccination, school and etc, and you might see where I’m going with this.

Here is what they’re really saying. ^^ Have I been tricked?

Well, I certainly was! I can even recall a memory I had in my “youth.” I was pulled over at a stop sign, the officer(waiting on top of a hill- out of sight) gave me a ticket because I didn’t perform a “full stop” but rather a “rolling stop.” I remember being asked, “*Do you understand?*”

Do you think I’m innocent? Or was I truly wrong? Maybe I was tricked? According to the officer, I was wrong, and I signed the ticket and paid the fine. I’ve wised up significantly since that event. It is to this day the only ticket I’ve ever paid for, and that was 14+ years ago. I, understand now that was part of the driver’s license contract.

☑ Do you ever wonder why voting is pushed onto the public? The people running the voting stations don’t even care “who” you vote for. They just want you to “register” into the 🦅 “State,” thus relinquishing your title voluntarily. Maybe I’m right? Perhaps I’m wrong? I’ve made my feelings known here.

This world is filled with amazingly deceitful scam artists. Often times, you may not even realize it. They do this to steal your sovereignty, but it can only be done through contracts signed. Your signature is as good as gold(if not better) and is an original trademark.

I hope this article helps you understand the price you’re paying by signing contracts. What do the stars tell you? Seek the truth. Trust yourself, we each have a moral compass; Just follow your heart and listen to your inner intuitions.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”- George Orwell

With 🧡, Onigirl

🧧⚡Zaps⚡ are always appreciated, but are not required.

Thank you for taking your time to read my article. I am truly humble every time someone does. I, sometimes even 😊blush when someone shares it. I will share ways to decentralize your life.

Here are other articles that I wrote that you might like: Nostr Beginner’s guide Another cup of Tea? Content Creator Tools for writers Just Don’t Vote

📢Special Shout-outs: DarthCoin Lux ALL the developers, relay operators, and 🐈designers in Nostr.

✨Support your favorite dev and zap with a special note that you like their work. If you’re a little embarrassed send a private zap.😊

  1. Fraud and scam have the same see the definition
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