Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-25 09:23:55

The Publishing Forest of Nostr (Part 2)


Hafa Adai Bitcoiners, Nostr is really amazing. Have you ever ate so much food at a buffet? Did you try all the different types of cake, how could you settle on just one? when there’s so many. Each with different favors, frosting and textures. Ugh, now I want cake.

Habla Pac-Man

After departing from the OS green forest where Flycat lives, I must have taken a wrong turn because the forest instantly got darker with each and every step. After some time has passed my eyes started to adjust and now it started to glow. I saw the most yellow fellow. He was being hunted! He ate some kinda fruit, and you can see the ghost 👻 starting to running away.


what was it that powered him up? Stories and Content! It was dark and hard to see, as I venture deeper. I almost wanted to turn back. It turns out fiat thugs were hunting him! Thanks to users that voice their stories Habla Pac-Man is empowered. Feel free to report on important issues that matter - have your voice be heard even in the shadows. Habla Pac-man is on your side in the darkest part of the Publishing Forest to be your guiding light!


Habla.news is wonderfully open source, so write on! Beware, ICANN still lurks in these shadowed woods. FYI, his original color is white, he just appears yellow at night because of the woods. Blue for meal time. 😂 This hamster is very happy to see mainstream media content getting eaten by users like you and me. As long as we write, Habla will be well fed.


Ever stumble on something by accident? I spotted something emitting light in the distance, as I continue to dive deeper into the Publishing Forest. Oh Look, an almighty highlighter! So any text I want to stand out, I can save it like a digital note on the side and publish it as a note on Nostr. Highlighter.com is content central! Some content creators have significant insight into certain topics and create alpha content. Instead of using third party services like Medium, Substack, and WordPress etc where you’re not getting much credit for your content, they now can use this new powerful tool. Will you use this tool dear user? Whatever will you create?


I held onto the highlighter, and I begin to feel powered! With this tool, Content creators can monetize their content! What a wonderful tool! Prehaps, I should start utilizing this? Whatcha think? Would you support a writer like me for 1,000 sats/quarterly?


It should be noted that highlighter.com is still new, and in development at the time of this publishing. I can’t wait until it unveils all it’s features. It does work and is usable but it’s still in development. I’ll wait.


I’m taking this with me! I’m so happy that I can easily use “Identity by encryption” via Nostr. Just stupendous! It makes me wonder, how could this have not existed for so long? This is freedom, owning your content and not being forced to agree to share its revenue to evil corporate thugs because of “Terms and Conditions” that only care about their platform and not a user like me. I’m taking back my power, will you?


The Blogstack.io curse on me

Some words about blogstack.io, the entire reason I joined Nostr was when I watched a tutorial video about Nostr as I was trying to learn. The youtuber was explaining it and used blogstack.io as an examples. I was sold within those 3 seconds of seeing blogstack.io and lost interest about blah blah Nostr is this and that. Those 3 seconds motivated me more to use Nostr then the whole 7min tutorial. So, I excitedly downloaded the app(Amethyst), made an account only to be disappointed or cursed that still plagues me today– to not be able to use blogstack.io for some reason. I’ve always wanted to start my own blog but hated the idea of medium. I could go to blogstack.io, but I couldn’t interact with it. This was my first experience. So the app sat on my phone for like 2 weeks. A friend of mine got a nostr account and told me to follow him, that’s when it pique my interest again. One thing led to another, then another. Before I knew it, I had fallen into the rabbit hole. It is a wonderland of its own. I wish for you dear user to have a better first time experience then I did. And I hope you enjoy this content. If blogstack.io works for you- go for it, but I can’t judge it’s platform because 404 eludes me.

The Shipyard Pub

My journey is at it’s end in the Publishing Forest and into a shipyard of sailboats. ⛵ So, I guess it’s time for me to sail away! Get it? Time? The sailboats have a schedule for when they head in and out of port. So if you want to schedule a note for example, now, 4 hours, or a day+ out you can do so by using Shipyard. There’s no need to feel a constant need to log on to keep publishing a note(or reposting) to stay relevant. Simply, write a note, and put a time when you want your note to be seen so you can capitalize on all time zones. Quite useful tool. If you’ve visit my profile page, I launched a time series of hamsters recently. I used shipyard to schedule them. Very nice feature.


Okay, Time for this #Hamstr to Sail away to the next adventure. Wherever will I go, is yet to be seen. Follow as I journey to find Knights of Nostr.


I know in my heart they’re out there, so let’s find them! Often unseen, unappreciated and not loved for their code/software that sets us free. Together, we can change hearts, and minds but we need privacy of Identity or we’ll all be punished for having a mind. ICANN Plagues the internet. Recently, Samurai Wallet was taken down because of mixing services. The Need for Identity by *encryption* and websites to move off ICANN’s jurisdictional websites to IPFS is evermore important to adopt freedom. Yes, that means we need a Github Nostr style. So developers are never criminalized for restoring financial privacy, and speech to users. All of these platforms are Psyphers to be used against anti-reconnaissance. So speak freely!

Send some love to these specular devs that are helping to shape Nostr.

👉💋💋Kisu for OpenSource

💋💋Pablof7z💋 @npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft

💋💋 Verbiricha💋 @npub107jk7htfv243u0x5ynn43scq9wrxtaasmrwwa8lfu2ydwag6cx2quqncxg

Get your NIP-23 (Long-Form-Content) Here, or get it over there, you’re bound to get it from somewhere. Until Next time! Wish me smooth sailing? I’ll be adopting njump.me style as of this article.

with 🧡 Onigirl

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