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2024-03-15 11:38:38

Sherry on Nostr: Everyone is talking about the new bill that could ban TikTok in US. Here is a little ...

Everyone is talking about the new bill that could ban TikTok in US. Here is a little bit personal experience about TikTok when I try to do a research about social media platform and why China may probably ban it too.

some backgroud knowledge, the content on China's version is very different with international TikTok. They have two seperated account system, though some video formats are similar.

But if you register a new china TikTok account, setting your gender as male, after several videos, you will get a bunch of recommendations of how to getting into US on foot via countries such as maxico, how to pass the wall built by Trump with details(tbh thats my first time seeing real pics about trump wall) ... etc.

The currently AI engine probably can recognize these type of video, but it is impossible to delete them all, and based on "accurate" recommendations, it will be pushed exactly to the group who wants/needs these videos.

Even someday TikTok has a more accurate AI to identify videos like this, there are already another type of video showing up that can get rid of censorship, by talking on their own "encrypted" language.When i accidently watched one, here is my feeling: Mandarin is my first language, and i understand every word, but i cannot understand what they wanna say. However, it is clear for people who needs these info, they understand, because these video got many comments like "interested, can you DM?". Still, because of algorithms, these video will be pushed to those who can understand it, and nobody can stop.

I believe maybe at the beginning china consider TikTok could be a media weapon, but now it seems to be out of control.

Thanks for your reading, this is all i found on TikTok interesting recently.
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