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scholarium_at / Rahim Taghizadegan
2023-08-20 17:51:09

scholarium_at on Nostr: A long conversation on Bitcoin citadels, military technology, geopolitics, government ...

A long conversation on Bitcoin citadels, military technology, geopolitics, government inefficiencies, CBDCs, and the collapse of the fiat system. https://free-cities.org/rahim-taghizadegan-bitcoin-citadels-geopolitics-cbdcs/
“A dystopia always has a different side: a utopian one. The question is, is it possible to have a Bitcoin utopia while the world is dystopian? So that’s a challenge to Bitcoiners. And I think it’s a great challenge. It challenges you to think about what hyperbitcoinization may mean and what it looks like.”
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