Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-08 01:55:11
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Theory of Everything on Nostr: Was also looking at incorporating seedsigner software to this emulator, It doesn’t ...

Was also looking at incorporating seedsigner software to this emulator, It doesn’t work. My idea was to A: add packages to the Arkos through GitHub pull requests, Or B: modify one of the micro sd ports so that it has all the chips to make a signing device, Could be seedsigner, Could be coldcard. Probably just a small redesign of the emulator would be enough for this. One micro sd is for the arkos and the other is game roms, So to add more games you just add more roms, But it also works with just the arkos micro sd, With a limited amount of games. What do you think? Making a redesigned pcb board or trying to approach software side?
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