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2024-04-01 10:52:17

Ghost of Truth on Nostr: Gold at all-time high with no news worth mentioning When the shiny metal moves like ...

Gold at all-time high with no news worth mentioning

When the shiny metal moves like it has in the last few days, something is up! The quiet Easter weekend, for once without any major attacks or war news, now sees an all-time high for gold. It can therefore be assumed that we will see what we as bitcoiners have been seeing for a long time, coordinated measures by central banks to devalue their currencies - the spike in the price of gold indicates that the markets are anticipating massive liquidity injections, purchases of government bonds and interest rate cuts at a time when inflation rates are already picking up again. A socio-economic upheaval is looming that we will not be able to counter with conventional political methods. We know from Europe where the journey is leading: cbdc, capital controls, massive state propaganda and deception about the true inflation rates. The transfer of wealth from the middle class to the state is accelerating. Time to act!

#inflation #gold #bitcoin #financialprotection #centralbanks
Author Public Key