Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-30 20:06:30
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strah on Nostr: Was there the other day for my nephew’s birthday and commented on how it felt like ...

Was there the other day for my nephew’s birthday and commented on how it felt like a casino for children.

The number of legitimate arcade games are few. The rest tend to borrow notable Hollywood IP but are low quality and have no PC or console counterparts, which is telling.

The majority of games provided tickets to the prize room. Some lasted less than a minute. Few were entertaining. It genuinely feels like grooming a generation of gamblers.

Any games with reply value or involving some skill provide significantly fewer tickets for a successful run. I suspect this is to push players towards the games that have shorter play sessions and, thus, consume more of their money more quickly.

All told, it was a disappointing experience. Some of it may be due to my age, but there’s definitely a gross element at play with the shift towards their diet casino model.
Author Public Key