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2024-01-05 05:16:23

screwtape on Nostr: #episode1 #ZhenHouseZhenBonkwave featuring npub17edsx…frm8w #music UNK recreates ...

#episode1 #ZhenHouseZhenBonkwave featuring #music
UNK recreates memories of #Nanjing in a #multilingual #Chinese #English #lifestyle #LambdaMOO #MOO #MUD #aNONradio at 1400UTC Friday 10pm Beijing time Friday
- uploaded successfully
- will be archived successfully
- 50 minutes
- UNK will be in SDF commode chat http://sdf.org/ when it airs
- screwtape will be in LambdaMOO around room #103006
Be there!
#bonkWave #notBonkwave #experimentalmusic
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