Why Nostr?What is Njump?
SatStackingBadger / Stu
2024-05-08 13:19:02
in reply to nevent1q…ehlw

SatStackingBadger on Nostr: It's really hard to see it from an outsider's perspective, once you are in the ...

It's really hard to see it from an outsider's perspective, once you are in the Bitcoin bubble.
I've been through too many boom/busy cycles, so I see through this fiat BS with ease.
These graduates are likely too naïve to see through it yet, if they ever see through it at all. Most people don't get what money is at all.
Once they get on the debt trap treadmill they may get it, and they will hopefully look back on this speech and realise the guy was really trying to help them.
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