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2023-04-25 10:20:52

salvatoshi on Nostr: Merkleize nothing! I posted on bitcoin-dev about some progress on formalizing the ...

Merkleize nothing!

I posted on bitcoin-dev about some progress on formalizing the MATT opcodes, and a demonstration on how a vault could look like in MATT.


And here's the accompanying code:


By talking a lot about Merkle trees and fraud proofs, I might have given the wrong impression that writing contracts in MATT is complicated.

The code I shared aims to convince you otherwise!

I implemented a prototype of vaults that tries to follow most of jamesob's design.

Despite the opcodes of MATT not having any vault-specific functionality, the resulting scripts are quite simple and inexpensive.

The construction only uses the core opcodes of MATT: OP_CHECK{INPUT,OUTPUT}CONTRACTVERIFY.

Since vaults require very little data passing (a single hash), no Merkle trees are required in this construction.

I hope this disproves a common stigma around general-purpose opcodes for bitcoin smart contracts: "Constructions are complicated".

That was only true for the "accidental" covenants built on top of OP_CAT or OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK, but it's not true for carefully designed opcodes.

Designing state machines using CICV/COCV is actually quite straightforward, and only gets difficult if you build complicated stuff.

I hope this inspires more people to think about these opcodes, and to tinker with them, now that there's some initial code.
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