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buttercat1791 / Michael J
2024-05-09 15:48:44

buttercat1791 on Nostr: GM Nostr! I am pleased to announce a step forward in my project to build a C++ dev ...

GM Nostr!

I am pleased to announce a step forward in my project to build a C++ dev kit for Nostr!

Announcing: Aedile NDK v0.0.2 - https://github.com/buttercat1791/aedile-ndk/releases/tag/v0.0.2

This release incorporates some build system improvements with the help of finrod (npub1ecd…s735), and it adds unit-tested support for reading to and writing from relays.

Additionally, the project is getting a new name: "Aedile NDK."

In the Roman Republic, the Aediles were officials elected from among the plebians who were charged with seeing to the maintenance of the city's critical infrastructure and supervising weights and measures in the marketplace. And, of course, "NDK" stands for "Nostr Development Kit."

Stay tuned for more updates! The next goal is to incorporate note signing with the help of ChipTuner (npub1qdj…fqm7)'s noscrypt library.
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