Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-19 18:23:56

Yonle on Nostr: #bostr version 3.0.2 stable released. A nostr relay aggregator for saving mobile ...

#bostr version 3.0.2 stable released.
A nostr relay aggregator for saving mobile bandwidth usage when using #nostr

It's a small release that contains improvements and option for setting limit. Useful for public bouncer.


## What's new?
- Reveal who we are in `User-Agent`. This tells the upstream relay of what bouncer we are connecting from and what is the maintainer of the bouncer server
- Config option: `max_conn_per_ip`. Set maximum incoming connections per IP.

## Upgrading
For npm installation, upgrading could be done with the following:
npm i -g [email protected]
npm i -g https://github.com/Yonle/bostr.git

For source code installation, upgrading could be done with the following:
git pull
npm i

Then restart your bouncer to apply update.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Yonle/bostr/compare/3.0.1...3.0.2

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