Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-05 02:00:23

marksea on Nostr: I have friends/acquitances that bought in the last 2 years because “renting is ...

I have friends/acquitances that bought in the last 2 years because “renting is throwing away money.”

They bought with the intention of refinancing within a few years. lol.

They’re now starting to have to make fixes to the house (hvac, plumbing, etc).

They didn’t account for a 30% inflation rise is those costs too.

Renting is not throwing away money. Housing is a consumption item.
In the real world, with rising interest rates, real estate is down slightly in fiat from its peak of the zirp era, and heavily down in btc terms. But the ops be like, made the right call , renting is throwing money away . Ppl are broke broke now, I wonder who they think their exit liquidity will be
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