Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-09 17:03:56
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woolcycle on Nostr: I am not asking you to accept the burden of proof, just that somehow objective ...

I am not asking you to accept the burden of proof, just that somehow objective criteria need to be set to assess the L1. The burden of proof is then on the L1 to meet those criteria.

Also, I don't feel it makes sense to conflate all "other blockchains" and tar them all with the same brush, even if a very high % of them are shitcoins.

I have one L1 in mind. But I don't feel to show my hand to those who have concluded that *all* other cryptos than BTC are shitcoins, or in a situation where there are no objective benchmarks and the goal posts keep moving!

(And please don't feel these points are in response to you personally. It is just that I feel to lay the ground as best as is possible, given how hard I feel it is for a L1 to gain acceptance.)
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