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2024-06-14 22:53:14

hodlbod on Nostr: Thanks to my friends Alex Gleason and NunyaBidness for encouraging me today to take a ...

Thanks to my friends and for encouraging me today to take a break. I've been feeling burnt out lately, despite the absolute privilege of being able to develop on nostr, so for the first time in probably around 8 years I'm going to take a 2+ week vacation this summer. No code, no nostr, no email.

This will hurt me more than it will hurt you. But it'll allow me (Lord willing) to come back fresh and ready to tackle the next steps of making Coracle the nostr client it needs to be.

Not sure yet what I'm going to do with myself for two weeks — but I have a hunch taking my 8 year old son on a backpacking trip might be part of it. I've always wanted to see Mt Rainier up close.

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