Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-20 17:45:16
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Weatherall on Nostr: "There's not enough black people on nostr." there are lots of reasons for this, and ...

"There's not enough black people on nostr."

there are lots of reasons for this, and they are all the fault of blacks alone. mostly its because this is like a layer deep beyond basic primate robot CONSUMPTION of the white mans "pooter tech", demanding actually learning something, and caring about such higher-order considerations like privacy and financial independence. with "being black" the chosen and main defining character aspect of the victim race, and state welfare to boot, who needs all of that?

"People are mad because we have our own independence day"


No, we are sick of blacks because your people ruin everything - beaches, movie theatres, ENTIRE CITIES, restaurants and fashion - not to even mention the pornographic horror of the "music" you make, the knockout game, homicide and robbery rates, etc ad nauseum. being dumb, you dont understand this.

"like we're still not being slaughtered for speaking out of turn to the wrong man in a suit."

where? where are you being slaughtered for speaking out? everywhere i go all i see is loud ass inconsiderate and disrespectful niggers running their fucking lip-flappin ebonics victimhood ego trips all over the place. often sanctioned AND PROTECTED BY THE STATE -

You are the fucking man, bitch. You ARE the little weaponized destroyer, employed by your Massa, the State, and being too fucking dumb to work that out, the "im a victim" sham continues...

"I guess I'm longing for community we forged on "X"
(nothing can truly replace Black Twitter😭)"

im longing for that to. go back there. the sooner the better.

clean up your own HUGE mess before you start telling other people how to live and how to accommodate YOUR PUNK ASS.

whites and suits aint the fucking problem cunt.

you are.

#juneteenth #blackcrimematters #4thAmendment
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