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2024-03-16 08:26:54

KudlaDederon on Nostr: "The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) secured an initial victory on Thursday when ...

"The Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) secured an initial victory on Thursday when the presiding judge in its U.K. trial against computer scientist Craig Wright declared that he is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, but the battle is not over. COPA wants court orders in place to limit Wright's ability to sue others."

Ještě k tomu podvodníkovi Wrightovi. To jsem netušil, že v zahraničí je možné se žalobou domáhat i toho, aby někdo jiný nemohl podávat žaloby na jiné 🤔😊

Zdroj: https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/03/15/what-happens-next-in-copa-vs-craig-wright-trial-is-down-to-the-judge/?_gl=1 *7xne98*_up*MQ..*_ga*MTI1NDc1OTI5NC4xNzEwNTMzNTUz*_ga_VM3STRYVN8*MTcxMDUzMzU1MS4xLjAuMTcxMDUzMzU1MS4wLjAuMA..
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