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2024-05-31 05:55:09

TerminatorB on Nostr: #Bitcoin is like The Doors vs Fiat like Low-Quality Modern Music: Artistic Quality: - ...

#Bitcoin is like The Doors vs Fiat like Low-Quality Modern Music:
Artistic Quality:
- The Doors: Poetic lyrics, complex compositions, influences from blues, rock, and psychedelia, authenticity, and innovation.
- Low-Quality Modern Music: Repetitive and simple lyrics, homogenized production, lack of complexity and originality, often commercially driven.

- Decentralization: Global network of thousands of nodes.
- Predictable issuance: New bitcoins are mined at regular intervals, with the issuance rate halving every four years (halving).
- Ownership: Wide diversity of holders, though some concentration exists, globally accessible.

Fiat currency:
- Centralization: Controlled by the Federal Reserve and other banking institutions.
- Uncontrolled issuance: Money printing based on economic and political needs.
- Ownership: High inequality, with a small percentage of the population controlling a large portion of the wealth.

Cultural Impact:
- The Doors:
- Cultural Innovation: Influenced and were influenced by major cultural and social movements, challenged conventional thinking, introduced new ideas and musical styles.
- Longevity: Their music remains relevant and appreciated by subsequent generations, setting a standard for authenticity and creativity.

- Low-Quality Modern Music:
- Rapid Consumption: Often created for immediate consumption and short-term commercial success, lacking longevity or deep cultural impact.
- Uniformity: Tends to follow pre-set formulas for commercial success, with little innovation or experimentation.
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