Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 19:32:16
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Bridger Surge on Nostr: No. Some people might be more able to do certain things from the get go, and some ...

No. Some people might be more able to do certain things from the get go, and some people learn things at a faster rate, but every skill still needs to be nurtured. We’re born tabula rasa (blank slates) and it’s up to ourselves to acquire the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to produce anything of value.

The “naturally smart” philosopher was not born with the privilege of reason, he had to learn it.

A person with two fingers who puts in the work will be better at guitar than any virtuoso who doesn’t practice; even the virtuoso is not born with the innate skill of “guitar playing”.

Only a trained baker can make consistently good pies. Someone might be naturally “good” at making mud-pies; but that’s not a talent — rather a lack-there-of.
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