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2023-12-15 21:23:21

Kasso on Nostr: #Foodstr #Christmas So, I was looking up the recipe of our traditional local eggnog ...

#Foodstr #Christmas
So, I was looking up the recipe of our traditional local eggnog and found out that it's really different than the way the Americans or the Brits make it. Here's how we make it: 250 gram eggyoke, 250 gram sugar, a little bit of salt, the contents of 1 vanilla stick, mix that together and then add 300 gram vodka, heat that up 'au bain marie' and keep stirring with a whisk until it's 62°C. Then imediately off the heat and cool it down in a box of ice water while keeping stirring it. Put it in a jar in the fridge. You'll love it! 👌

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