Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-01 12:09:18
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ideasourcing on Nostr: The Case For Russia, China, India, Iran & Pakistan Unity All 5 are nuclear powers. ...

The Case For Russia, China, India, Iran & Pakistan Unity
All 5 are nuclear powers. Together, they can completely dismantle the grip that evil™ now so visibly has on all western countries, and has had on for a long long time on england. But one spark here in Asia and england & USA & you-know-who will continue to wreck the world into even darker days for their own citizens as well as us Eurasians and others in the world.

The you-know-whos and england want nothing more than to successfully cause that spark - the most likely candidates are India and Pakistan which have been ‘worked on’ and prepped for disaster quite extensively for over 100 years at least. The secondary, less likely, celebration for england could be the China-India nuclear war.

We 5, Team Invincible, powers, minds, and resources combined together have everything, we don’t need another country. Our circular economy can run forever in complete prosperity, and remove poverty & associated social ills. That’s not even taking into account BRICS. South Africa has diamonds, which have always been fancied by women but will be much much more technologically important in the future. Brazil, well Brazil is huge, and it has the lungs of the world - Amazon, not that vile company, but the forest. The Slavic people and their love of Russia, from whom was born Tesla, not that vile company, but the true genius - Nikola Tesla. Venezuela also loves and respects Russia, because the USA tried to coup the country and now begs it for oil. Syria also respects Russia for having defeated the terrorists created by the west. Turkey should also remember who supplied it the unmissable S300 and not forget who else tried to instigate a coup there not so long ago. Nepal, the land of valiant Gorkhas, so like China, yet so likes India too. Saudi Arabia and Israel, well they mean business, but their actions have shown us that they know who Team Invincible is. Argentina’s currency is also devaluing hard, it needs Bitcoin, so does Turkey, and so does Venezuela. So does the entire African family in Africa and the world over.

Let’s see what we have:
Russia - Space Tech, Science & Defence, Living Space, Big Brass Balls
China - Space Tech, Science & Manufacturing, Skilled Workers
India - Space Tech, Skilled Workers, Himalayan River System 2
Pakistan - Himalayan River System 1, Islamic Faith (i.e. ambassador for the entire Middle East & North Africa)
Iran - The third in the triad of 3 ancient civilizations that have coexisted peacefully for 1000s of years (Persian Empire, Indian Civilization & Empires, Chinese Civilization & Empires), lots of Oil, world’s best Drone Tech

This WW3, which has failed, was aimed by england and you-know-whos to balkanize Russia and make it unable to intervene in WW4.

The aim of WW4 was to acquire the Indian subcontinent chiefly and also China’s fertile eastern area if possible. Now, of course, thanks to Russia’s win, this will get postponed in the you-know-whos calendar of planned Global Calamity & War events, but make no mistake they will not give up their goal.

The goal: all the fertile land surrounding the rivers Indus, Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Yangtse, Yellow, and the high ground of the Himalayas, the source of these rivers.

The above two maps will only cause infighting in this team. But when you see the next map, then you realize why england and the you-know-whos really-really-really want to capture this region.

All the major rivers of China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, and other smaller countries originate in the Himalayas and the other connected mountain ranges between China and India. This is a cross-continental river system. The Himalayas are one of a kind. The Swiss/German/Italian/French system powered by The Matterhorn is easily quite inferior to this.

For 5000 years India and China have peacefully co-existed on either side of the world’s largest and best fence - The Himalayas. As a blunt, honest & frank person I will say that the 1962 war was entirely India’s fault.


The Tibetan Spanner In The Works
The people of the Tibetan plateau have had a very spiritual and religious existence for millennia, but when Mao wanted to bring about a revolution in China and lift the country out of poverty, which required development works in the Tibetian plateau and the ‘spiritual’ people of this region to roll up their sleeves and work, they resisted and gave the excuse of spirituality. I don’t know the history properly, having not read too much about this, so I don’t know what exactly england/you-know-whos must have done here to instigate. Perhaps a Chinese national can enlighten me with a comment here. But they did do the Opium Wars and they did make the movie 7 Years In Tibet with one of the most popular Hollywood stars Brad Pitt, so they definitely tried to harm China.

Now, instead of me blaming one political party of India and their leader at the time, who really are the ones to blame, not the whole country, let me just graciously accept that India was in the wrong. India was unprepared for war, the soldiers did not even have proper arms to fight, and they were sent to fight a war without a cause as the Americans have for the last 50 years. Tibetian refugees claimed they were being harmed, the Indian PM at the time told Indians this was true, and england must have used all its media muscle (at this time in 1962 there was only Radio & Newspapers) to provoke it as much as possible. We can’t really blame the Indian PM, maybe he was given a huge dose of fake news and he fell for it.

That it was wrong, can be comfortably retrospectively declared, as since 1960, China has lifted its people from poverty to world leader status. China is now a lender to the USA, the so-called only Superpower in the world (as labeled by western media) after the engineered break-up of the Soviet Union. China is number 1 now. Mao was right. Tibet was wrong. India made a mistake. england was evil, is evil, and will continue to be evil. It’s in their DNA, and this, too, can be comfortably retrospectively declared, by looking at the chief-anglos’ splendid record of ceaseless & unrepentant mass murder and loot all over the world, which continues still with the USA as the aggressor, and england now having taken the sweet spot of financial theft through their separate country called the City of London™ Financial District.

Roman Empire 2.0
I have not read up on this yet and this is just well-considered intelligent guesswork. The moneyed corporates/oligarchs from the Roman Empire shifted to Saxony and then to england and then also to the USA when this New World Order (their currency note says it Novus Ordos Seclorum) country was basically architected to be a Warmachine.

This Roman Empire has a lot of real money, fake printed money (money printer go BRR), and even more fake money in their artificially inflated global stock markets, and definitely lots of captured Gold and other valuable assets. Most of it has been stolen over 1000s of years. The Roman Empire was just like england in looting stuff. This wealth is a war chest that allows them to do all kinds of stuff around the world.

ISIS, the worst of the worst kind of terror organization imaginable, one that no intelligent and moral Muslim would support, still had a worthy epic stated goal - to defeat Rome. They said it, but how can it be true, when all they did was kill 1000s of Muslims in Islamic Countries that have a lot of oil? The oil that the USA always seeks! USA and england have killed millions of Muslim men, women, and children since the 2003 Iraq War. ISIS got an entire freight ship worth of humvees and weapons from the USA, directly and indirectly. The Taliban have just been given a fraction of this too, again by the USA. They are doing it openly now. This was supposed to be their end-game years, but things didn’t pan out according to their ancient plans.

What do they want? The oil of the Middle East? In the not-so-distant future, electric cars will be everywhere and countries with lithium reserves should be worried from now itself. That is not the number 1 resource ‘they’ seek, though of course it will still be always needed for heavy machinery. ‘They’ have a lot of wealth (commonwealth aka stolenwealth), but they don’t have the world’s most valuable resource-rich fertile land with a never-ending supply of freshwater that gives food security to support a large population for eternity. China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh have that. These 5 countries are like half of humanity, or maybe ⅓, both huge numbers. And people have been living in this part of the world in billions of numbers for at least 5000 years. That’s proof that this land is fertile and the people that live here will never die off unless they kill each other.

East India Companies
When england and you-know-whos realized that their shitty rocky islands and deserts are no match for this Most Prosperous Region Of The World, they launched a seemingly innocuous but in reality a very evil scheme - Capitalism For Trade Through War - a system they formulated first in the Netherlands. They convinced the stupid Dutch and French to also form East India Companies, for ‘trade’ and riches. england’s motive was much bigger than trade, they wanted this whole rich lands’ LAND. Unfortunately for them, WW2 happened and Hitler rekt shit up in Europe, and england almost went bankrupt. Bhagat Singh, Ashfaqulla Khan & Co. were making life difficult here in Hind (India Pakistan), so they had to temporarily give up their half-fulfilled masterplan and return to base. But not before they created the conditions that will make the next attempt easier. They did not draw arbitrary lines on a map and divide countries here and there based on which religion wanted what and which people said what. They did what they did, very strategically, and maniacally for WW4 to be a piece of cake for them.

Think about it. I’ll have to write 10 pages to prove the above statement, but a human brain can launch a train of thought and process the connecting of these dots in 10 seconds. And you will trust your brain rather than 10 pages written by a person not from your country, and from a country that has had a war with your country in the past.

Now think, were those wars, also, then, instigated by england/you-know-whos/Roman 2.0?

Yes. Yes, they were. They all are, most of the time.

War Is Profitable Because Humanity Has Some Weird Flaw

I don’t blame 5 untrained Muslims from Pakistan for the 26/11 attack on The Taj Mahal Hotel and The Chatrapati Shivaji Railway Station in Mumbai. Someone else did this.

I don’t blame 18 Arabs and the lie that some hardly-trained pilots accurately flew planes into towers and brought down 2 buildings that were supposed to be impact-resistant. And a third building that fell even without any plane impact. They were brought down with thermite. Someone else did 9/11 too.

I don’t blame China for the release of the Covid Bioweapon. Russia has now proven that the USA has Biolabs in Ukraine where they were researching Coronaviruses and other bioweapons. In the months before the Covid outbreak, Wuhan hosted The World Military Games. The USA and england also had teams there.

The two big questions the world needs answers to are 9/11 and Covid.

Covid was the west’s way of instituting the QR code checkpoint infrastructure at every Point of Sale, required for launching their evil social credit system through CBDCs. Only a Chinese person can answer if their Digital Yuan is successful or not. Western MSM media says it is a failure, but only the people in the west believe that. Western MSM media & social media also mocks China’s Social Credit System, we can only trust a Chinese person to give us an honest review of it. ISIS claimed to be forming a caliphate. But they killed Muslims instead. The USA claimed they were fighting ISIS. But ISIS did not die until Russia entered the fight. Jews were supposedly hunted by Nazis, but now a Jew calls his Nazi Azov battalions heroes. Muslims love the idea of a caliphate, like the Tibetians of China, they also seem to want religion first and prosperity and development can be secondary. Was the ISIS caliphate a real caliphate? But a lot of Muslims fell for that being real! Somebody who was not Muslim or Christian made the crusades happen and Christians and Muslims killed each other. Somebody used to organize riots in India where Muslims and Hindus, and Hindus and Sikhs, and Sikhs and Muslims, regularly killed each other. A lot of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Indians, and Pakistanis ironically live in england. They all hate their original countries. Now riots have stopped in India, at least they are not in the same frequency and magnitude as earlier, and yet a lot of ‘intellectuals’ claim India is killing Muslims. They also claim China is killing Muslims, but China is friends with almost all Muslim nations. We were told the USA is free, that the west is free, that Europe is about human rights, but then Covid came and the citizens there were treated like they were in jail. This is an upside-down world, nothing is what it seems.

The War To End All Wars
Only 1 nuke needs to be fired (answer at the end, guess it now)
Only 2 answers matter:
who did 9/11 and
who launched the Covid virus?
Only 3 resources (that evil™ seeks and Team Invincible must protect) matter:
money (evil and their Banks™ are afraid of and seek to kill Bitcoin using CBDCs),
the fertile lands of Hind (India Pakistan must peacefully reunify to counter) and
the fertile lands of Chin (the ancient name of China)
Only 4 races exist in the world, religion is NOT the most important ‘box’ people put themselves in, believe me, you can and should be religious, but you need to understand race first, for it is through an understanding of race alone that we can propagate ahead in prosperity & grace, i.e. live long and prosper:
You-know-who (special category created for them, because…well just because!!!...they’re crazy people, there are actually only 3 races and the world is a combination of the three, like three primary colors make infinite shades)
Only 5 countries combined together in a team can defeat this plan, as they are all blessed by wisdom granted by Christ, Buddha, Shiv, Allah - i.e. the Creator, by whatever name He is called, does not matter to him, for He has blessed these 5 righteous nations with the divine daivi astras, these are the 5 righteous nuclear powers. He doesn’t mind even you are not religious at all, as long as you are righteous - a good and true human being: Russia - China - India - Iran - Pakistan (who will be R.I.C.H. when India & Pakistan reunify as Hind)

Choose Wisely - Mars or Wars?
Our Earth is beautiful, but it can’t be the only 1! We have been gifted with the intellect to go further. If we allow wars to continue, we will never leave this speck of dust in the vastness of the Universe. We are meant for bigger things, religion is good but differences in religion should not matter, differences in race matter because only when each race respects itself they grow into power, countries are lines drawn on a map by men, usually evil men, the Creator drew rivers and mountains (like The Himalayas) to divide us into groups, let our insignificant differences of the international borders not impede us from breaking the limits of gravity that bind us to a lonely rock in a vast fascinating Universe. Let’s go. Let’s fucking go!! Let’s find out what is out there. And if we ever do find intelligent life outside our little home, let us be ready with thinking & behavior aimed at prosperity and not bring the concept of international war to Intersolar, Interstellar or Intergalactic proportions too.

Let us evolve, please. Up from mindless differences, to up above the sky so high. Twinkle, little stars! Make wars go extinct so that humanity never does.

To make peace we need to make a little war - I say nuke london, only london, and within that, only the London Financial District. Maybe someone else has a better short, simple, one-shot clean-cut idea?

Further Reading: Why is england the worst? and Russian Hindi Connection
And the latest The Story of The Birth of Earth (which explains: The pyramids were solar electricity generators, artificial rain cloud producers, and air conditioners that ‘created’ the artificial river Nile, India is the Garden of Eden and God Created Earth in 7 Years, not 7 Days, You can get electricity from plants and trees, Mars can easily be colonized and water can be produced, Earth was Terraformed by Humans from another Planet, The Saudi Arabian desert can easily be turned to a tropical forest)
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