Why Nostr?What is Njump?
BitcoinLizard /
2024-01-06 03:31:22

BitcoinLizard on Nostr: Here's an easy way to improve your privacy. Since I know you all run your own nodes, ...

Here's an easy way to improve your privacy. Since I know you all run your own nodes, you should be aware that it is possible for a motivated entity to determine that a given transaction originated your node. Blockstream and Mempool.space offer a way to broadcast a transaction on your behalf. You just need to extract the raw transaction data of your signed transaction from your wallet. I believe this should be possible with most wallets, I do this with Electrum and Nunchuk. Blockstream offers a page to broadcast from over tor. By using their tor address and the tor browser you have privacy from Blockstream as well.

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