Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-02 08:47:54

Farley on Nostr: AI is set to drive significant economic growth by replacing more jobs over time. ...

AI is set to drive significant economic growth by replacing more jobs over time. Interestingly, this trend aligns better with deflationary systems like Bitcoin than with inflationary systems like fiat. Here’s why:

1. Increased Productivity and Efficiency
- Bitcoin: AI enhances productivity, reducing costs and aligning with Bitcoin’s value appreciation. More value is created with less effort, fitting well with a currency that increases in value.
- Fiat: In an inflationary system, AI’s cost reductions can be offset by currency devaluation, leading to a cycle where prices might still rise despite increased productivity.

2. Job Replacement and Economic Restructuring
- Bitcoin: AI-driven job replacement is supported by Bitcoin's stable, appreciating value. Savings and investments remain secure, providing a foundation for adapting to new economic realities.
- Fiat: In an inflationary system, job loss and the need for new employment can be destabilizing, as the decreasing value of money makes saving and investing in retraining more challenging.

3. Wealth Preservation
- Bitcoin: Bitcoin’s deflationary nature preserves wealth over time. AI’s productivity gains increase purchasing power, making savings more valuable.
- Fiat: Inflation erodes purchasing power, making it harder to preserve wealth. Even with AI-driven growth, individuals may not fully benefit if currency value continues to decline.

4. Investment in Innovation
- Bitcoin: A stable, appreciating currency fosters long-term investment in innovation. Investors are more likely to support new technologies and businesses with a secure return on investment.
- Fiat: Inflationary systems can encourage spending and borrowing but discourage long-term savings and investments, leading to short-term thinking and riskier ventures.

Conclusion: AI’s impact on economic growth aligns better with deflationary systems like Bitcoin, which offer stability and wealth preservation. In contrast, inflationary sys
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