Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-29 20:11:33
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Bitcoin Carlin on Nostr: Anyone that advocates completely ceding the realm of law fare to the state. ALL means ...

Anyone that advocates completely ceding the realm of law fare to the state.

ALL means available. This is a fight for humanity and generations.

There is truth we should not fixate on the political to the detriment of the technological. We should not RELY on the legal realm. This trade off primarily comes into play where you have very limited resources as an individual.

But many Bitcoiners are millionaires many times over. Step the fuck up and use those resources to fight at the legal, technological, philosophical, psychological, spiritual levels.

All. Fucking. Means. Fucking. Available.

Anyone telling you differently is a fucking spook trying to demoralize/make you complacent. Do not listen.
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