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2024-01-01 13:35:03

Terence Eden on Nostr: 🆕 blog! “Movie Review: If You Were The Last” ★★★★⯪ The 2016 film ...

🆕 blog! “Movie Review: If You Were The Last”

The 2016 film "Passengers", with Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, is a gruesome study in "because of the implication". JLaw's character wakes on a spaceship to discover that only Pratt's character is alive and has prematurely roused her from her slumber. She has, in effect, been murdered and the only way she can pacify th…

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/01/movie-review-if-you-were-the-last/

#MovieReview #RomCom #SciFi
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