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2024-05-03 03:43:20

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♨️♨️♨️ https://imagedelivery.net/665GHToRzycMVwZ9VsJNfA/7d4e39bf-2d69-49db-139c-284036ac6c00/screenshot

President Biden Criticizes Japan and India as 'Xenophobic' Nations That Do Not Welcome Immigrants
#99e2f5f5 ver:0.41

President Biden criticizes Japan and India as 'xenophobic' nations that do not welcome immigrants, attributing their economic struggles to this attitude. Biden made the remarks during a fundraising event, emphasizing the economic benefits of immigration and contrasting it with his Republican opponent's anti-immigrant rhetoric. The comments come as Japan grapples with demographic issues and restrictive immigration laws, while India's population continues to grow. Biden's stance on immigration remains a hot topic in the 2024 US presidential campaign. #Biden #Japan #India #immigration...

#newstr #Biden #Japan #India #Xenophobic #Immigrants #Immigration

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