Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-16 15:45:48
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henrixd on Nostr: First DigiID then personal ESG-points, so social points system. ...

First DigiID then personal ESG-points, so social points system.

All that You Need to Know about Personal ESG Score

"Personal credit scores are used by financial and other organizations to understand a person’s risk when it comes to offering specific services, such as loans, to him/her. Now, companies are extending this review to other areas, including personal ESG scores."

"More companies are of the view that a person who is not dedicated to corporate sustainability cannot be entrusted with a task that requires a high focus on responsibility."

WEF’s ESG framework is now part of DiginexESG

"To this end, we have incorporated WEF’s ESG Multi-stakeholder Framework into DiginexESG for companies to use when creating their sustainability reports."
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