Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-05 15:20:34

Daniel on Nostr: Complex problems are difficult to solve. That's why they get broken down into smaller ...

Complex problems are difficult to solve. That's why they get broken down into smaller workable chunks. The Internet was created by breaking the complex issue of a world-wide computer network is solveable pieces. Layer 1: Hardware. Layer 2: Local delivery. Layer 3: Routing. Layer 4: Applications.

Well someone came up with a layered model of psycology around the same time. I was listening to @countbtc The Breakup this morning and I realized why "Bitcoin Fixes This" is true for people's brains. The base layer of mental health is intimately tied to survival which in today's Fiat society is tied to money. Bad money. Bitcoin fixed everything because sound money fixed bio-survival anxiety. That's the source of the hope that you feel when you first grok Bitcoin!

Here's what I remember about the first 4 layers of this model.

1. Bio-survival. Fight or flight. The base layer of psychology. Every living organism operates at this base layer. It is require to live in a predator/prey environment. If this layer is not broken all bets are off. In a late stage Fiat money economy this is the source of almost all mental illness. Bitcoin fixes this. Reptilian brain.

2. Emotional intelligence. Pecking order. This layer is what people are referring to when they say life has its ups and downs. Politics rules this layer. Mammalian brain.

3. Symbolic intelligence. This layer is what people think of when they hear the word intelligence. It's tied to the hands and the thumbs. Reading, writing, math and science live on this layer.

4. Social Intelligence. This layer is tied to sexuality. The ties that bind a tribe together.
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