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2023-09-29 05:00:45

Squeaky Frog on Nostr: If you're in the central Texas area this weekend, we're having our fall plant sale at ...

If you're in the central Texas area this weekend, we're having our fall plant sale at our farm in McMahan (near Lockhart) this Saturday (9/30) and Sunday (10/1) from 10 AM until 5 PM both days.

If you’re in the market for fall/winter garden plants like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, herbs, and ornamentals, selected to perform well in our cool season, have a look at our catalog at:


We had some ridiculously hot weather during the sprouting and growing season at the end of this summer, which caused some germination and survival problems, so a few items are in shorter supply than we would like, but we still have a great selection to choose from.

If you can’t make it, but are in Austin, we can take an order and deliver the plants to you next week (or you can pick them up from our house in Austin).

20% discount if you pay with Bitcoin!

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