Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-21 17:52:51
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SacredPeak (Dale) on Nostr: no not at all. email in itself isn't prone or not prone to spam. it's people and how ...

no not at all. email in itself isn't prone or not prone to spam. it's people and how they use (or abuse) email that makes spam.

Canada has a pretty good anti spam law and it has worked but people have to report spam for it to work.

email has many technical problems and the obvious one is security. it is very easy if you speak SMTP to connect to any unsecured email server and fake an email, for example... still. 🤣

but back to spam... it comes from the nature of advertising and a lack of respect, and all that boils down to human nature.

nowadays, there is a tendency to blame everything other than the person doing it for 'everyrhing' such as:
- blame the liquor store rather than the alcoholic buying too much
- blame social media rather than the people who over use it and have toxic behaviour(s)
- blame email for spam when it's spammers using email to spam;
email is inanimate

my grandparents took responsibility for all their own actions. I am grateful to them and i see them in my actions all the time and without trying to emulate them.

it's a long list that i don't want to type out and all of these human issues boil down to taking responsibility or not

sorry, I went off topic for a reply to your question.

and as always, i enjoy going back and forth with you
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