Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-04 03:42:10
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Squeaky Frog on Nostr: I kinda like aggressive vines. They feel more alive than static little shrubberies ...

I kinda like aggressive vines. They feel more alive than static little shrubberies that don't grow much from day to day. You turn your back on melon or cucumber or squash plants, and they'll grow a foot or two before you turn back around. There's a slow-motion sea monster vibe to coming out to the garden every day and seeing where they've sent new tendrils and what they've latched onto.

My main problem is I'm never willing to give them all the space they really want to take up, telling myself every year that I'll do a better job of controlling and directing their chaotic growth. Then suddenly it's June and I've got a watermelon growing eight feet up in a peach tree and cucumbers slowly engulfing the entire garden like a very un-frightening horror movie.
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