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2024-05-05 11:10:25

VelvetBlue_Art on Nostr: A poem called "I can't understand". In a world of words, complex and grand, You weave ...

A poem called "I can't understand".

In a world of words, complex and grand,
You weave tales I struggle to understand.
Your thoughts soar high, like birds in flight,
While I stumble below, lost in the night.

You speak of realms unknown, beyond my grasp,
Of galaxies swirling in an endless gasp.
Your intellect shines, a brilliant star,
While I search for meaning, near and far.

Each phrase you utter, a mystery untold,
Leaves me questioning, feeling unbold.
I strain to follow, to catch a clue,
But the depths of your mind, I can't pursue.

Yet still I listen, in awe and wonder,
To the symphony of thoughts you plunder.
For though I may falter, in comprehension's quest,
Your words inspire, and leave me perplexed.

~~Velvet Blue 🔵
Very Sad. Very confused.
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