Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-30 09:20:05
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hh on Nostr: I like Cardano, as an idea. I think they're genuine about what they're trying to do ...

I like Cardano, as an idea. I think they're genuine about what they're trying to do and their principles.

Doesn't mean I think Cardano can do what BTC does -- it can't and THERE IS NO SECOND BEST. So I save my wealth in BTC, not in Cardano. However I do think there is a fundamental difference between Cardano, with their approach of putting out peer reviewed papers on every fucking single thing -- which I'm not qualified to judge --, their choice of UTXO, a defined max supply and regular preprogrammed issuance, and their effort to build truly decentralized governance (they're passing a Constitution soon?), versus other projects like Ethereum.

I have asked Cardano people many times to explain their claims that their version of PoS "Ouroboros" whatever version it is now, is as safe as PoW, and they have this "if you don't get it I don't have to explain it to you" kind of attitude of referring people to their multiple papers. So it is what it is, though.
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