Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 04:21:57
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mikedilger on Nostr: I do. Because we can all get very judgemental about people and races/genetics, my ...

I do.

Because we can all get very judgemental about people and races/genetics, my evidence comes from dogs. There is a game called Schutzhund that includes a part where a german shepherd bites the handlers (heavily wrapped) arm and doesn't let go. My german shepherd bitch descends from a Schutzhund champion. And unlike any dog I've ever known, if I wrap a towel around my arm she wants to bite my arm. I never taught her that. Uncanny.

Also, when we walk down the valley, she goes to the opposite side. She tought me to do this... so if we flush any animals either way they run, one of us can catch them (well I can't but she doesn't know this). That was inborn, nobody taught her, and I didn't even think of it, she taught me. I raised her from a pup.

So yes we all have natural talents. Different ones too.
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