Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-18 22:40:11

atyh on Nostr: The Pentagon engaged in a massive anti-vax campaign in Southeast Asia. Against ...

The Pentagon engaged in a massive anti-vax campaign in Southeast Asia. Against vaccines not made in the U.S.
The Pentagon ran interference for big Pharma, to increase their profits.

So here is a hypothesis:
The State, and its media mouthpieces, use the people most willing to stand up against government as a useful idiot weapon, to increase profits.

Create a propaganda campaign villainizing farmers.
To collapse farms, and reduce their value, so they can buy them up.

Another example:
Place AGs that won’t prosecute crime in expensive urban areas, to make the areas unlivable, to massively reduce property value, so they can buy up the land, and convert them into “public private partnership” (fascist) Smart Cities.

Hostile takeover 101.
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