Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mikedilger /
2024-05-03 00:09:44
in reply to nevent1q…wkzh

mikedilger on Nostr: Palestinians fight against Israel against impossible odds. They expect to be killed. ...

Palestinians fight against Israel against impossible odds. They expect to be killed. Some people in the West think they believe in an afterlife and Allah will reward them in that afterlife. But I'm an athiest - I don't believe in any afterlife - and yet I have the same sense about things. I would rather be killed for promoting free speech or telling the truth about Israel than from cancer or a heart attack. Death is certain, and I would want to make my death impactful if possible. Even if I'm cancelled or imprisoned rather than killed, that still has the effect of being martyred and does great things for the cause of righteousness. Is there any greater point to life than fighting against evil? Julian Assange's life sucks balls right now, but his imprisonment has had a great effect. I don't fear these unlikely outcomes.
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