Why Nostr?What is Njump?
/ Monika Burra
2024-04-07 17:46:58

Monika Burra on Nostr: šŸ’“ nostr:note16z264jg8xjzd4d0qmhkkpktrr8zzhs9rh95fk3ns4nfmhvcvexzq6dmjqf

yes, you have been wronged
and exploited
such is life
taking from those
that are willing to give.
whether you wanted
to get something back
or lied to yourself
it doesn't matter.
now you have
anger and hate
the rewards
for failing to defend
your truth.
they are there for you
and... the pain...
all yours.
do not share it with others
do not blame them
do not hurt them
the only help
you can accept
is the one
that allows you
to process it all
only love crosses the line
between your and other realities.
make a mistake
anger, hate and pain
will come back
boomerang, energized
surf those waves
for thrills and ego joy
at your peril.
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