Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-03-11 17:02:45
in reply to nevent1q…z3fh

RealJohnDoe on Nostr: The only thing I would say is that people use taxation as an excuse for bad, ...

The only thing I would say is that people use taxation as an excuse for bad, unacceptable government. And as an excuse to let bad government off the hook.

The vast majority of our debt is just looting by special interest groups and #Israel. Our debt is used as an excuse to not share the wealth of OUR! national Treasury with all of the people more equitably.

We're paying for excellent government and getting garbage instead. We may not be able to control taxation and spending. But we can damn well demand excellent service. Or set them on fire..👺👹🔥🥵😠

Demand better service. Quality affordable universal healthcare. UBI, housing the homeless. Wholesome excellent public schools. Strong laws against propagandizing pedophilia, homosexuality and other forms of deviant sexual behavior to children and young people. Severe restriction of immigration. Aggressive deportation etc.

You're already paying for it. But just not getting it..😐
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