Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-04-19 11:09:08

Autumn Sun ☀️ on Nostr: This also touches upon the very definition of "intolerance"; Karl Popper has been ...

This also touches upon the very definition of "intolerance"; Karl Popper has been erroneously or even wickedly invoked ten thousand times and his message twisted nearly beyond recognition by the Twitter mob (etc.) most of which have likely never read his works and reasoning.

Irt. The reporting bot/system:

Automated tools must be crafted with extreme care and likewise run with extremely pernicious oversight, since they are extremely powerful.

A script is "awake" 24 hours a day and can react to incoming data every second of those 24 hours.

A human needs rest for at least 8 hours per day, and to evaluate a situation at hand, a good long while to read what has been said and done, and the context surrounding it, to make a proper judgment.

Machine tools enables making potentially very serious errors at the speed of silicon, while the human operators or originators are asleep or absent and not able to stop them.

#thoughts #nostr #grownostr
This conversation reminds me of Karl Popper’s paradox of intolerance, wherein the only thing a tolerant person should not tolerate is intolerance because it leads to the end of tolerance.

I think (maybe I’m wrong) what is arguing is that this kind of bot is not simply another instance of free speech or a project on the protocol, but is antithetical to the ethos of the protocol itself.

That not anything can be tolerated on this open protocol, and this is pushing it. Because no one can stop you, the alternative is to point out how antithetical this truly is and make it reputational suicide to push it, ironically reporting *you* at the meta level for creating a reporting bot.

Once people see this kind of intolerance will not be tolerated, they will cease trying to report people, for the “greater good”, for “public safety” “for the women” “to save the children” for “national security” or whatever other noble reason one can conjure.

That doesn’t mean women being harassed on nostr isn’t a real issue to solve, only that it has to be done in a way that’s in keeping with the ethos of the protocol.

But it’s possible I’m misunderstanding.
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